Monday 10th January 2022
Dear families,
The changes in the rules for testing and isolation have changed so much over the past few months it is difficult to know what to do. We have been given this grid below which may help if you find yourself in this situation:
Student/member of staff is unwell with symptoms |
Do not attend school Get PCR test and self-isolate If PCR is positive – self -isolate for 7 clear days from onset of COVID symptoms or test date if asymptomatic, with an LFT on day 6 & 7. If this is negative can return to school on day 8. If either of the LFTs is positive need to continue to self-isolate until 2 clear LFTs or until 10 clear days. Can return with a cough, a headache but not if they still have a temperature. |
Student/member of staff is unwell with positive LFT |
Do not attend school. You don’t now need a PCR. Self -isolate for 7 clear days from onset of COVID symptoms or test date if no cough, fever or anosmia, with an LFT on day 6 & 7. If this is negative can return to school on day 8. If either of the LFTs is positive, need to continue to self-isolate until 2 clear LFTs or 10 clear days. Can return with a cough, a headache but not if they still have a temperature. |
Student/member of staff is well with positive LFT |
Do not attend school. You don’t now need a PCR. Self -isolate for 7 days, with an LFT on day 6 & 7. If this is negative can return to school on day 8. If either of the LFTs is positive, need to continue to self-isolate until 2 clear LFTs or 10 clear days from the test. Can return with a cough, a headache but not if they still have a temperature. |
Someone in the household is positive but student/member of staff is well. |
If aged 5-17 or a double vaccinated adult, do not need to self-isolate but should do an LFT every day until 10 days since last contact with the person who tested positive for COVID-19 or, if the case is a household contact, until their end of isolation. Any unvaccinated adults need to self-isolate for 10 days |
With best wishes,
Mrs J. Beckett
Head Teacher